Monday, April 5, 2010

Ten Life Principles of Deborah Szekely

Inspired Quote  of the Day

Happiness is not easily won, it is hard to find it in ourselves, and impossible to find it elsewhere. - Nicholas Chamfort

Today's Brilliance

Deborah Szekely

Deborah Szekely

Founder of Rancho La Puerta and the Golden Door Spa

If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I'd want to pass along to others...

Today's Brilliance is a bit different from other days. About two months ago I had the honor of spending a glorious week at Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico. I met the co-founder and owner, Deborah Szekely. I was one of 18 bloggers invited to celebrate Rancho La Puerta's 70th anniversary.

Just shy of her 88th birthday, Deborah glows with an energy that one rarely finds in a 50 year old. She does Pilates three times a week and trains three times a week with a Navy Seal. When she said "I know that eventually I will get old"... I knew that I had to share her inspiration with you. I hope you enjoy the wisdom of Deborah as much as I did. :) (Please make sure to read her bio- you'll be glad you did.)

Ten Life Principles of Deborah Szekely

Get healthy! It's never too late to decide to be healthy. "Disease is not required. It is, to a great degree, a matter of choice." Our habit of diet, exercise and attitude can de...

Read More of Today's Brilliance >>

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